Emergency Plan Manual

AHCA Form 3110-1022, Rev March 2013 Rule 59A-8.027, Florida Administrative Code http://ahca.myflorida.com/MCHQ/Health_Facility_Regulation/Home_Care/HHA/index.shtml#other . Page 54 of 54 RECOVERY PHASE Our Agency maintains a chain of command for all operations. The Agency’s Administrator is responsible to declare the Recovery Phase after any Emergency or Disaster in our community that affect the normal operations of the Agency, or disrupt the ability to provide efficient care to our patients. The recovery phase star when the county officials declare the end of the Emergency/Disaster situation in our community, with the continued implementation of the Agency’s Business Continuation Plan, for recovery phase including offsite access to data & data backup and office relocation (logistical support in place to relocate office if necessary), this is one of the initial steps in the recovery process. Once an emergency situation becomes stable, business recovery takes over to ensure the agency remains financially viable. A business continuity plan will enable our Agency to plan for continuing operations after a disaster. This tool differs from the other emergency preparedness tools in this manual in that it addresses recovery rather than response. The tool is designed to address all aspects of our operations that might be impacted regardless of whether the event results in a minor disruption of services or a complete destruction of the Agency’s infrastructure. (see Agency’s Business Continuation Plan). The following actions will occur as part of the recovery phase: a. The administrator or designee may initiate the recovery phase b. The administrator or designee(s) as part of the agency’s communication protocol will communicate with i. Leaders and owners (if applicable) ii. Staff iii. Clients or someone responsible for a client’s emergency procedures iv. County and city emergency management officials if needed during and after an event v. State and Federal emergency management entities if warranted by the nature of the event and; vi. Other entities as applicable such as: 1. State Regulatory Agency 2. Emergency Medical Services 3. Other community health care providers c. The primary mode of communication will be by phone or cell phone. If the primary mode of communication fails other methods including but not limited to the following may be used: L 7ZR ZD\ radios as available LL Internet communication technologies LI RQ OLQH DYDLODELOLW\ H[LVW LLL (PHUJHQF\ LQIRUPDWLRQ QHZV radio as available d. Recovery Team (Staff assigned to help in the Recovery Phase that include the Administrator, DON, their alternates, Office Manager and any other needed personnel). Those employees designated as Recovery Team will serve as part of the Recovery Phase. The Administrator is designated as Recovery Team leader to take over the Emergency Operations Center at the Agency during this phase. &RQWLQXLW\ RI RSHUDWLRQV VWUDWHJ\ IRFXVHV RQ RXU $JHQF\ ZLWK WKH JRDO RI SURWHFWLQJ 7KH $JHQF\¶V RIILFH DQG DQ\ RWKHU LQIUDVWUXFWXUH IURP GLUHFW GLVUXSWLRQ RU GDPDJH VR WKDW LW FDQ FRQWLQXH WR IXQFWLRQ WKURXJKRXW RU VKRUWO\ DIWHU DQ HPHUJHQF\ $OO ZLQGRZV DQG H[WHUQDO GRRUV ZLOO EH SURWHFWHG E\ FRYHUHG ZLWK ZRRG LI SRVVLEOH RU IURP WKH LQWHULRU E\ FRYHU DOO FU\VWDO SDUWV %RWK ZLOO EH FKHFNHG DV SDUW RI RXU ELDQQXDO H[HUFLVH IRU VHFXULW\ DQG UHVLVWDQFH DJDLQ D QDWXUDO GLVDVWHU ,QIRUPDWLRQ WHFKQRORJ\ V\VWHPV WKH FRQWUDFWHG $JHQF\¶V VRIWZDUH YHQGRU ZLOO FRPSOHWH D GDWD EDFNXS GDLO\ DV FRQWUDFWHG KDUG SULQWHG FRS\ RI WKH DFWLYH SDWLHQW¶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ngel Home Care Services, Inc.